Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Weight Loss Journal Vol. 1 Post 2

9 Ways to Mentally Prepare for Weight Loss by Beth W. Orenstein Medically reviewed by Pat F. Bass, III, MD, MPH

The battle for a slimmer you is often won or lost in your head. Before you start a diet, psych yourself up for a lifestyle change with these prep steps.

Before you get to enjoy the physical changes that come with healthy weight loss, you first must undergo a mental makeover that helps you break your old bad habits. The key to beginning your transformation is thinking of it properly - you want a true lifestyle change instead of a lose-weight-quick crash diet.

State Your Weight Loss Goals
Having the right mind-set starts with knowing why you want to lose weight. It could be as simple as wanting to look and feel better-dragging around 30 extra pounds makes you tired and lethargic and uncomfortable in your clothes. Or you may have a specific health needs, such as lowering your risk for diabetes or reducing high blood pressure.

Hire a Dietician
When you're ready to lose weight for life make an appointment to see registered dietitian. Working with a dietitian will enable you to find a weight-loss program that best fits your lifestyle, your dietary needs, and any medical conditions you have and one that includes healthy foods you like and will want to eat.

Ink Your Weight Loss Meal Plan
Once you've decided on a weight-loss plan, map out all the steps needed to implement it. At the beginning of each week, create a meal plan for your diet that you'll use as your guide for grocery shopping, cooking, eating out, and avoiding unplanned indulgences.

Invest in a Personal Trainer
Exercise is an essential part of any weight-loss program. But when most people think about weight-loss program. Skipping exercise can sabotage your dietary efforts. Working with a trainer - or just setting up a free consultation through your gym - will help you map out an exercise routine that you enjoy and find ways to fit into your busy schedule.

Prepare to Log Your Food and Fitness Activities
Whether you use an online tool, a mobile app, or simple pen and paper, logging your diet and exercise activity is the key to weight-loss success. If you're faithful about recording what you eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, you'll see patterns and routines emerge.

Set a Realistic Timetable for Weight Loss
The more realistic you are about your weight-loss goals, the more likely you are to reach them. Remember that you are developing a lifelong strategy, so don't set unattainable time limits - forget the concept of dropping 10 pounds in 10 days. A better mind-set is to focus on losing 1 to 2 pounds a week, and maintaining that consistent rate of weight-loss over weeks if not months.

Believe in Yourself
You may have failed with weight loss in the past, but that doesn't mean you're going to fail now. Sure, there will be days ahead when you'll eat more than you should or skip a planned workout, but it's essential to stay positive and move forward with your plan.

Pick Motivating Rewards
After breaking your weight-loss goals into attainable increments, decide on a small reward you'll give yourself for reaching each one. Write your rewards down as part of your master plan , just as you do your diet and exercise routine.

Create a Weight Loss Support Network
Everything is easier when you have the support and encouragement of family and friends, and that includes embarking on a new weight-loss lifestyle. You don't have to announce your diet to the world, but you should confide in those closest to you. If you let them know how much reaching your weight-loss goals means to you, they'll want to do what they can to help you. And if you have a friend who is trying to lose weight too, make a pact to text each other at crucial times during the day, and you'll both stay on track.

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