Monday, October 5, 2015

September 2015

Calorie Goal - 75,000
Miles Goal - 300
Weight Loss Goal - Simply To Lose Weight

Calorie Total - 81,669
Miles Total - 332.6
Weight Loss Total - 9 lbs

Well, I began getting my eating my habits back on track and I got out of the house a little more often and hit a track to go walking (easier on the knees).

I began September weighing 350 lbs. At that moment I decided to remove the stress of a weight loss goal and decided to just live with whatever I lost. I believe that my focus was becoming to narrowed and I lost sight of the big picture.

In January of this year, I weighed 339 lbs and by September, I was up to 350 lbs. That is an 11 lb gain in 9 months of working out like I was losing my mind, but eating like I had the metabolism of teenager. Needless to say that did not work well for me.

While I did show weight loss during the first nine months of the year; the weight loss never held or for that matter, made it through to next month or two months.

Wish me luck for hopeful weight loss consistency and I will see you next month!

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